• Forest-Raised Pigs

    Our pigs are raised outside in silvopasture settings, being a key component in land regeneration and woodland management. They spend their days freely expressing their unique characteristics. The pigs are moved to new paddocks frequently and supplemented with non-GMO feed and garden goods.

  • Pastured Poultry

    Our laying hens are outside from sun up to sun down. This allows them to freely explore the pasture, finding insects, seeds and more. We move them across our pastures frequently. They lay beautiful eggs containing essential nutrients for our health.

    Our meat chickens are in Salatin-style shelters, minimizing predator risk with ability to enjoy fresh air, sunshine and insects. The chickens are moved to new grass each day.

  • Grass-Fed Lamb

    Our sheep are rotationally grazed through our pastures. They are a key component in land regeneration as they are moved to new grass every day. Grasses, forbs and legumes are 100% of their diet.

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